Charleston WV Police Department

Provide a Tip

We need your help in keeping Charleston WV a safe community

Do you have a tip?

If your tip involves drug activity or other drug crimes, please contact 304-348-6814.

If you have any information that you feel would be beneficial to the community concerning criminal activity or suspected criminal activity, please contact us in the space provided below. If you do not wish to make your information anonymous, you can send your e-mail to the Charleston Police Department, Provide a Tip Email: [email protected].

Warrants Division: (304) 348-6402

If you have a matter that needs immediate attention, call 304-348-8111. If you have an emergency, dial 911

If your tip involves drug activity or other drug crimes, please contact 304-348-6814.

Please use this tip line for Charleston City Tips Only. For issues outside of city limits please call the Kanawha County Sheriff's Office at 304-357-0169

Provide A Tip